Welcome to Pax et Bellum Journal!

Pax et Bellum Journal is an open access, student-run academic journal in the field of Peace and Conflict Research. The aim of the journal is to provide a platform for student researchers to contribute to interdisciplinary peace conflict discourse and to share their perspectives on a wide-ranging scope of topics related to the field. We strongly believe that the voices of students and their exceptional knowledge should and must be heard, read and shared!

Pax et Bellum Journal pursues an open access policy. We believe in the free dissemination of knowledge and the transformative effect it creates. All previous editions of the Pax et Bellum Journal are available free of charge and our authors retain the rights to their works.

From 2023 onwards, editions of the Pax et Bellum Journal are primarily published on the Uppsala University Journals platform.

If you have any questions or comments, please send an e-mail to journal@paxetbellum.org and contact us.