Pax et Bellum Board Members

Meet the Pax et Bellum Board for the 2024/2025 academic year!

The goal of the Board, along with several committees and partners, is to create a forum for learning about peace and conflict related issues by organizing different events and activities. We are very excited and encourage you to contact us with suggestions or if you would like to get involved!

Uma Claessens  Chair

Hej everyone! My name is Uma, and I am this year’s Chair of the Pax et Bellum Board. Originally from Belgium, I recently obtained my Bachelor’s degree from Amsterdam University College. During my Bachelor’s, I mostly focused on human rights, gender studies, and conflict studies. Within the field of peace and conflict, I am mostly interested in gendered theories of armed conflict and youth involvement in peace initiatives.

As Chair of the Pax et Bellum Board, I am responsible for leading the Board, overseeing our ongoing projects, and liaising with our external partners. I am really excited for the year ahead with Pax et Bellum and to meet all the new (or old) members at our events. I hope to see you soon!


Greta Husemann  Vice Chair

Hej! I’m Greta Husemann, and I have the honor to act as Pax et Bellum’s Vice Chair this year! What does this mean? I support our Chair with day-to-day operations, ensure that we stay on top of current issues, oversee the Board’s overall tasks, and manage our cooperation with selected partner organizations. Additionally, I have the wonderful responsibility of representing the Pax et Bellum Board—and, by extension, the Peace and Conflict students—at the Student Union’s Section for Social Sciences and at the Department Board.

Originally from Germany, I completed my interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree in Sociology, Politics, and Economics at Zeppelin University, focusing on International Relations, in 2023. I developed a strong personal and professional interest in International Development, which led me to Peace and Conflict Research. My academic background includes work on issues related to gender, human rights, and mass atrocity crimes. Through this master’s program, I aim to deepen my understanding of conflict resolution strategies that can provide a stable foundation for human development in the future.

I am thrilled to work with this amazing group of people to enhance both the social and academic experiences of our fellow students here in Uppsala!


Luuk Boekestein – Treasurer

Hello! My name is Luuk and I’m this year’s Treasurer for Pax et Bellum! I’m from the Netherlands, and I have a Bachelor’s in Liberal Arts and Sciences, with a focus mainly on information and a minor in conflict studies. I’m interested in the intersection between these two fields, like forecasting and more quantitative studies in general.

As the treasurer, my tasks revolve mainly around keeping track of our budget, having an overview of our finances, making some nice excel sheets, and finding funding for some of our events. But I will also be helping out the other board members with their task when needed. I’m very excited to be part of the board this year, and hope that we can organize some amazing activities!


Anicca Juraschka Sullivan – Secretary

Hej! My name is Anicca, and I’m thrilled to join this year’s Pax et Bellum Board as Secretary. Having grown up in New Zealand, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and rural northern Germany, I eventually found my way to my favorite city—Amsterdam, where I completed my undergraduate studies in International Relations and Peace & Conflict Studies. Over the past year, I had the opportunity to work with Peace Action, a grassroots peace organization in the U.S. After this enriching break from academia, I’m excited to dive back into the world of libraries and learning at Uppsala University.

My main passion in peace and conflict research lies in applying a gendered lens to post-conflict reconstruction processes. Moreover, I’m dedicated to exploring the transformative power of youth-led, grassroots peace initiatives.

I feel incredibly fortunate to work with such amazing board members this term, and I’m eager to use our platform to make everyone’s study experience more meaningful, engaging, and fun.


Marta Bertea – Head of Activities

Hej! My name is Marta and I’m excited to join this term’s brilliant Pax et Bellum board as Head of Activities. Born and raised in the Western Italian Alps, I’ve lived in Sweden on and off for the past two years and I’m happy to be back once again and to be a part of Uppsala’s vibrant student community.

I completed my Bachelor’s in International Sciences of Development and Cooperation at the University of Turin. During my Erasmus semester at Linnaeus University, I took courses in the Peace and Development Studies programme, and got interested in this field. After graduating, I had the opportunity to intern at SIPRI, where I assisted in the organization of the 2024 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development.

I look forward to working with my board colleagues to organize activities that inspire meaningful conversations, enrich ours and our members’ academic journeys, and build a sense of community.


Josefin Fällgren – Head of PR and Marketing

Hej! My name is Josefin Fällgren, and I’m excited to be joining this year’s wonderful Pax et Bellum board as the Head of PR and Marketing. I am originally from Sweden and I recently graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from Uppsala University. During my studies, I also had the wonderful opportunity to intern as a coder at UCDP. Over the years, I have also worked as a social media manager and communications officer, and I am happy to be able to put those experiences to use through my position on the board.

My main academic interests lie in nuclear disarmament and civil war. I am looking forward to continuing my studies at Uppsala University, but also to be able to make this year one full of interesting and engaging activities for all members of Pax et Bellum, alongside the rest of the board!


Linus Enderstad – General Board Member

Hej, my name is Linus Enderstad and I will be the General Board Member (GBM) at Pax et Bellum for the 2024-2025 term. I am responsible for assisting all other board members in their specific tasks, focusing more specifically on organizing activities. I come from a small village outside of Uppsala. If you take the train to Stockholm, it’s the first stop. I studied for my Bachelor’s here in Uppsala, I hold a degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from Uppsala University.

Throughout my Bachelor’s, I was involved in the program’s student organization which I thought was very fun to be a part of. I think that extracurricular activities outside of the classroom are super important for your time in the university, both social and educational activities.

These are the main reasons why I joined Pax et Bellum. My main areas of academic interest include conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and quantitative research methods in general. I’m looking forward to working alongside the rest of the board to develop our partnerships and strengthen Pax et Bellum.


Maren Hansemann – Editor-in-Chief of the Pax et Bellum Journal

Hej! My name is Maren, and I have the honour of being the Editor-in-Chief of the Pax et Bellum Journal this year. I am originally from Germany and completed my bachelor’s degree in Political and Social Studies and Economics at the University of Würzburg. Thanks to the interdisciplinary nature of the programme, I studied a little of everything, but developed a strong interest in the areas of peace and conflict research and organised crime.

Alongside my studies, I discovered my passion for writing through our local student newspaper and various student associations. I am now excited to take on the challenge of organising this year’s Pax et Bellum Journal. Together with my great team, we will be working to give our fellow students a stronger voice and to bring their work and thoughts to the field of Peace and Conflict Research. I look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully reading your contributions, soon!