Pax et Bellum | Analysis, International Politics, Opinions
It is often argued that Japan suffers from a “nuclear allergy,” meaning that the country and its citizens react to nuclear issues in a very specific way. On the one hand, we can observe recurring stigmatization of radiation-affected individuals after nuclear disasters and strong resistance against the use of nuclear energy, let alone the acquisition of nuclear weapons. On the other hand, there are forces pushing Japan in different directions, such as President Trump’s rhetoric and North Korea’s increasingly threatening behavior, the latter demonstrated by last week’s launch of Pyongyang’s most advanced missile so far. How do these changing circumstances influence Japan’s nuclear allergy?
Aron Woonink, Vice Editor-in-chief for Pax et Bellum Journal, has written an article for The Diplomat. He explores the pressing topic of nuclear weapons in East Asia and discusses contemporary challenges for Japan.
The article is available online at:

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